As you probably know by now, my dad, Jim, died in 2016. (Read his story, HERE.)

At the time of Jim’s death, he had suffered from Alzheimer’s Disease for almost a decade. I cared for him for four years in his house; he was confined to a nursing home for four more years. During my time as caretaker, I made numerous changes to the house in order to keep a closer eye on him and keep him more comfortable and safer.

This website contains a chronicle of some of what I did – and some of what you might think about doing as well.

These resource pages present, for your consideration, some of my conclusions after having spent years installing, researching, testing, and otherwise trying out myriad products that are marketed (in one way or other) to those who are struggling to make their home environments ALZHEIMERSPROOF.

The following are my best recommendations from my several years of experience.

I have broken them up into categories for ease of navigation.

Car-Modification Recommendations

Disabling Devices

Key-Control Devices

Dietary/Nutritional Recommendations

Herbal Supplements

If you’re feeling the urge to “go natural,” check out our recommendations for various plants (and other things) that can be used medicinally.

To check current prices my choices for the “top 25” Alzheimer’s-Proofing herbs, see: the Herb-Resource Page.

Before you do, you might want to read our post on the sorts of compounds and substances that we have in mind. See the following:

Or… take a look at the companion YouTube videos.


We can’t prescribe! So, for “recommendations” in this category, please see our overview article, HERE, and then consult your physician. Be prepared with questions. For seventy-five sample questions, see HERE.


We can, however, suggest some things that might shore up your nutrition. According to a few researchers, some of these vitamins may actually serve as alternatives to pharmaceutical interventions. In most cases, though, you will probably think of them as my family did: as supplements. 

Home-Modification Recommendations

Accessibility Devices



Safety Devices


Click the above category for carbon-monoxide, natural-gas, and smoke detectors as well as for motion, pillbox, and toilet sensors.

Tracking Devices

Water-Purification Devices

For specific product recommendations, see HERE. For my extended look at water contaminants — and their potentially harmful effects — take a look at THIS ARTICLE.