My dad, Jim, passed away in 2016 from Alzheimer’s-related complications. Although circumstances – and finances – made it infeasible for me to continue his at-home care indefinitely, I was my dad’s primary, live-in, day-time caretaker for nearly four years. During that time, I made numerous changes to the home environment in order to better care for him, and to keep him safer.
Since Jim’s death, I have reflected a lot on the entire experience. Moreover, I have spent a little time trying to find various life “hacks” that might help me improve my own odds of escaping his fate. This website is a chronicle of some of what I did for my dad, and a bit of what I have done for myself.
A National Crisis
The latest statistics published by the Alzheimer’s Association indicate that over 5 million people are currently afflicted, to some degree, with dementia.
A Devastating Disease
As I discovered after my dad was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s, the disorder can destroy a person financially, mentally, physically, and socially. This is now my journey to a hopefully better end than my father had.
In Loving Memory
This project is dedicated to my dad.