Biographical / Inspirational Resources

Biographical / Inspirational

Biographical Material on Those Who’ve Had Alzheimer’s

A Path Revealed: How Hope, Love and Joy Found Us Deep in a Maze Called Alzheimer’s, Carlen Maddux, Paraclete Press, 2016. (HERE)

Do I know you? A Family’s Journey Through Aging and Alzheimer’s, Bette Ann Moskowitz, Lanham, Md.: Taylor Trade, 2004. (HERE)

The Emotional Journey of the Alzheimer’s Family, Robert Santulli, Dartmouth College Press, 2015. (HERE)

I Understand… You Forgot to Say Goodbye: Family Memoirs on Living with a Parent Who Had Alzheimer’s, Robert Pace, Christian Faith Publ., 2018. (HERE)

Losing My Mind: An Intimate Look at Life With Alzheimer’s, Thomas DeBaggio, New York: Free Press, 2002. (HERE)

My Mom Inez: Our Alzheimer’s Journey, Bob Miller, iUniverse, 2012. (HERE)

The Person With Alzheimer’s Disease: Pathways to Understanding the Experience, Phyllis Braudy Harris, Baltimore, Md.: Johns Hopkins Univ. Press, 2002. (HERE)

Slow Dancing with a Stranger: Lost and Found in the Age of Alzheimer’s, Meryl Comer, San Francisco: Harper, 2015. (HERE)

Still Alice, Lisa Genova, Pocket Books, 2009. (HERE) [See, also, Video Material: Movies…]

Tangles: A Story About Alzheimer’s, My Mother, and Me, Sarah Leavitt, New York: Skyhorse Publ., 2012. (HERE)

Where the Light Gets In: Losing My Mother Only to Find Her Again, Kimberly Williams-Paisley, Three Rivers Press, 2016. (HERE)

Who Will I Be When I Die? Christine Bryden, London; Philadelphia: Jessica Kingsley Publ., 2012. (HERE)

Wife, Just Let Go: Zen, Alzheimer’s, and Love, Robert Briggs and Diana Saltoon, Robert Briggs Assoc., 2017. (HERE)

Inspirational Material for Alzheimer’s Sufferers & Caretakers

The All-Weather Friend’s Guide to Alzheimer’s Disease: Staying Connected to Loved Ones with Dementia and Their Caregivers, Mary Cail, True Wind Press, 2012. (HERE)

Dancing with Elephants: Mindfulness Training for Those Living With Dementia, Chronic Illness or an Aging Brain, Jarem Sawatsky, Red Canoe, 2017. (HERE)

Finding Meaning in the Experience of Dementia: The Place of Spiritual Reminiscence Work, Elizabeth MacKinlay, Jessica Kingsley Publ., 2012. (HERE)

The Last Night: A Caregiver’s Journey Through Transition and Beyond, BernNadette Stanis, Los Angeles, Cal.: JAED Publ.; Worthingham, 2016. (HERE)(HERE)

My Journey Into Alzheimer’s Disease, Robert Davis and Betty Davis, Wheaton, Ill.: Tyndale House Publ., 1989. (HERE)

New Hope for People with Alzheimer’s and Their Caregivers: Your Friendly, Authoritative Guide to the Latest in Traditional and Complementary Treatments, Porter Shimer, Potter; Ten Speed; Harmony; Rodale, 2011. (HERE)

On Pluto: Inside the Mind of Alzheimer’s, Greg O’Brien, Lisa Genova, and David Shenk, Brewster, Mass.: Codfish Press, 2018. (HERE)

Us against Alzheimer’s: Stories of Family, Love and Faith, Marita Golden and David Shenk, New York: Arcade Publ., 2019. (HERE)

What to Do Between the Tears: A Practical Guide to Dealing with a Dementia or Alzheimer’s Diagnosis in the Family, Tara Reed, Pivot to Happy Press, 2015. (HERE)

See also: Dramatic Depictions of Alzheimer’s and Dementia in Films and Movies.